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  • Pharmacy technician or nurse looking at inventory stock

    Close the Loop on Your Supply Chain

    A modern GPO can help members benefit from a full-service supply chain that offers operational efficiency, reduces costs and optimizes inventory. This type of supply chain ...

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  • Nurse checking notes and paperwork while on the phone

    Another GPO Superpower: More Access to Suppliers

    Non-acute healthcare facilities need supplies on time to avoid potentially putting patients at risk. Working with a group purchasing organization can open new doors with ...

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  • Woman working on laptop and taking notes on notepad

    5 Ways to Cut Down on Physician Pajama Time

    Some doctors are spending time outside of the clinic—often at home, at night—working on administrative tasks to avoid falling behind. This has a range of negative side effects. ...

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  • Group of  office workers sitting in a circle

    Provista’s Non-Acute Advisory Councils Pave a Path to Member Successes

    Find out the nuts and bolts of Provista’s non-acute Advisory Councils, including the purpose, benefits to members and peer organizations, and how council voices influence ...

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  • Doctor with arms crossed

    Statistics That Should Grab Physicians' Attention

    Ever wonder what doctors and specialty physicians are earning? Or bringing home for signing bonuses? Are you curious what percentage of physicians and medical students are ...

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