Healthcare: Long-Term Care

Take Comfort in Long-Term Peace of Mind

assisted living Centers

Keep your residents satisfied and happy with high-quality food and services. Provista is your go-to resource to keep your business in tip-top shape –providing you with choices that won’t make you have to compromise on quality products or services. It’s health care with a healthy dose of hospitality.

Top Contracts for Assisted Living Centers

  • apple

    Food Procurement Program

  • Wireless symbol

    Wireless Services

  • Capital equipment icon of an office printer.


  • medical cross symbol

    Incontinence Products

  • briefcase

    Office Supplies

what people are saying

How we are empowering healthcare

Danny-Hawkins CHV Headshot-112x112

“With every bit of savings that health centers achieve through the value and purchasing program, through our partnership with Provista, it goes back into our patient care.”

Make Smarter Procurement Purchasing Decisions

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