
Smart, Connected Kitchens Go Mainstream for Hospitality

September 25, 2023
Chef in kitchen with a tablet
Smart businesses realize the benefits of unifying and connecting all aspects of the organization. Silos and fragmented areas of the business create challenges, whether they’re disparate data, technologies or operations.
The kitchen is no different—everything inside of it must be connected to drive savings and efficiencies. A connected kitchen allows a range of benefits, such as making the kitchen more accessible, having visibility into appliance usage and ultimately improving profit margins. Integrating the technology that enables connected kitchens helps hospitality organizations modernize and transform their operations. 

Hospitality organizations that implement connected kitchen technologies benefit from improvements such as:

  • Real-time visibility and insights into kitchen and equipment operations.
  • Better equipment performance and potentially longer equipment lifespans by being able to predict, rather than react to, service needs.
  • Lower energy expenses by using consistent, efficient equipment, and having the ability to control appliances remotely.
  • Optimize maintenance schedules by having a better understanding of service requirements.
  • Minimizing staff effort to operate appliances by leveraging automated processes. 

“Smart kitchens, which use some combination of automation, customer geolocation and predictive analytics, are streamlining food preparation processes,” according to Publicis Sapient, a digital business transformation company. “These kitchens are designed to improve speed of service, food quality and order accuracy and many are also testing technologies like IoT [internet of things] devices, sensors, cameras, voice recognition and robotics.”


Appliances in a connected kitchen can be controlled remotely, and they offer advanced precision controls and safety features to lower overhead costs and reduce accidents. Connected kitchens can benefit all facets of the hospitality industry, including:

  • Restaurants 
  • Commercial food services
  • Food commissaries 
  • Production kitchens
  • Ghost kitchens
  • Incubator kitchens
  • Commercial kitchens 
  • College and university kitchens
  • Business and industry kitchens

The smart kitchen appliance market is predicted to reach $60.19 billion in 2030, up from an estimated $18.75 billion in 2023, according to Grand View Research. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.4%. The market includes smart appliances for residential use, too.


“From large to small appliances, smart gadgets are enabling device-to-device and cloud-to-cloud connectivity, providing a simpler and more seamless user experience by integrating all products from various manufacturers and unlocking certain functionalities,” the research company explains. “For instance, the base model of a modern smart fridge incorporates smartphone connectivity for remote temperature management and notifications in case of unexpected temperature fluctuations.”
Smart refrigerators are the top selling smart appliance, grabbing about 33% of the market in 2022. Spending on smart cookware and cooktops is projected to see a significant 19.4% CAGR from now until 2030.
An increase in consumers dining out “has encouraged restaurant owners to invest in advanced and efficient kitchen appliances that can produce good quality and tasty food much faster, thereby boosting the uptake of smart kitchen appliances in the commercial sector,” according to Grand View Research. “Appliances like grillers, fryers, ovens and cooktops are being used more frequently as they improve preparation consistency, diminish human dependence and reduce human error.” 


A downside to a connected kitchen is that the high-tech equipment can cost more than traditional appliances. Commonly cited figures put price tags for smart appliances at about 30% to 50% higher than other appliances, with repairs often costing more, too.
However, one upside is that connected kitchens can save money by automating repetitive tasks, so the favorable return on investment (ROI) helps offset the initial cost. Smart kitchens can also lower energy costs to drive additional savings, and reduce labor costs by handling tasks commonly assigned to employees. For example, a smart refrigerator can track and order inventory autonomously, without requiring human intervention.  
Smart appliances sometimes use less resources, like water and detergent, saving additional money while also providing environmental benefits.



Keeping food safe and fresh for guests is a top goal for any kitchen. A smart kitchen can help.


“Food safety management systems range from software and smartphone apps to fully connected networks of appliances that can automatically check key food safety indicators,” according to TouchBistro, which supplies restaurants with innovative technology.


IoT devices in the kitchen can report on food safety information and determine how equipment is performing. This lets organizations quickly identify potential problems with appliances.


“IoT solutions in restaurants can make it easy for operators to report on these important food safety metrics, as well as performance levels of equipment,” notes Middleby. “This helps promote food safety, as well as making the documentation requirements easier to manage.”


An IoT kitchen can also help manage inventory, leading to fast, easy and automated procurement processes. Plus, these kitchens can optimize data to determine which pieces of equipment are being maximized—and at what time of the day. For example, IoT data allows hospitality organizations to monitor and make usage changes to individual pieces of equipment based on the time of day, volume of use and other patterns to optimize how and when the appliances are used. 


“Keeping food safe and fresh for guests is a top goal for any kitchen. A smart kitchen can help.”


A connected kitchen offers a variety of benefits. They include making kitchens easier to use, enabling more automation for labor savings, offering reminders and digital checklists for food safety compliance, and ensuring consistent temperatures for cooking and cooling.
Hospitality organizations that want to connect their kitchens can start by talking to their group purchasing organization (GPO). A GPO like Provista has contracts with technology experts who can determine the best approach for each member’s individual needs, then install the technology required to turn a traditional kitchen into a connected kitchen.
With the help of a GPO, members can create a smart kitchen that solves their specific problems while offering a customized approach to connecting their appliances. 

David Richard Headshot

About the Author

David Richard is the Associate Principal for the Provista Food Program

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